Meaning of HITCH in English

v. & n.


1. a tr. fasten with a loop, hook, etc.; tether (hitched the horse to the cart). b intr. (often foll. by in, on to, etc.) become fastened in this way (the rod hitched in to the bracket).

2 tr. move (a thing) with a jerk; shift slightly (hitched the pillow to a comfortable position).

3 colloq. a intr. HITCHHIKE. b tr. obtain (a lift) by hitchhiking.


1. an impediment; a temporary obstacle.

2 an abrupt pull or push; a jerk.

3 a noose or knot of various kinds.

4 colloq. a free ride in a vehicle.

5 US sl. a period of service.

Phrases and idioms:

get hitched colloq. marry. half hitch a knot formed by passing the end of a rope round its standing part and then through the bight. hitch up lift (esp. clothing) with a jerk. hitch one's wagon to a star make use of powers higher than one's own.


hitcher n.

Etymology: ME: orig. uncert.

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.