n.1 an effect produced (esp. on the mind or feelings).
2 a notion or belief (esp. a vague or mistaken one) (my impression is they are afraid).
3 an imitation of a person or sound, esp. done to entertain.
4 a the impressing of a mark. b a mark impressed.
5 an unaltered reprint from standing type or plates (esp. as distinct from edition).
6 a the number of copies of a book, newspaper, etc., issued at one time. b the printing of these.
7 a print taken from a wood engraving.
8 Dentistry a negative copy of the teeth or mouth made by pressing them into a soft substance.
impressional adj.
Etymology: ME f. OF f. L impressio -onis f. imprimere impress- (as IN-(2), PRESS(1))