n., adj., adv., & prep.
1. a the inner side or surface of a thing. b the inner part; the interior.
2 a (of a path) the side next to the wall or away from the road. b (of a double-decker bus) the lower section.
3 (usu. in pl.) colloq. the stomach and bowels (something wrong with my insides).
4 colloq. a position affording inside information (knows someone on the inside).
1. situated on or in, or derived from, the inside.
2 Football & Hockey nearer to the centre of the field (inside forward; inside left; inside right).
1. on, in, or to the inside.
2 sl. in prison.
1. on the inner side of; within (inside the house).
2 in less than (inside an hour).
Phrases and idioms:
inside country Austral. settled areas near the coast. inside information information not accessible to outsiders. inside job colloq. a crime committed by a person living or working on the premises burgled etc. inside of colloq.
1. in less than (a week etc.).
2 Brit. the middle part of. inside out with the inner surface turned outwards.
inside track
1. the track which is shorter, because of the curve.
2 a position of advantage. know a thing inside out know a thing thoroughly.
turn inside out
1. turn the inner surface outwards.
2 colloq. cause confusion or a mess in.
Etymology: IN + SIDE