Meaning of PLANE in English

1.n., adj., & v.


1. a a flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points on it would wholly lie. b an imaginary flat surface through or joining etc. material objects.

2 a level surface.

3 colloq. AEROPLANE.

4 a flat surface producing lift by the action of air or water over and under it (usu. in comb.: hydroplane).

5 (often foll. by of) a level of attainment, thought, knowledge, etc.

6 a flat thin object such as a tabletop.


1. (of a surface etc.) perfectly level.

2 (of an angle, figure, etc.) lying in a plane.


1. (often foll. by down) travel or glide in an aeroplane.

2 (of a speedboat etc.) skim over water.

3 soar.

Phrases and idioms:

plane chart a chart on which meridians and parallels of latitude are represented by equidistant straight lines, used in plane sailing. plane polarization a process restricting the vibrations of electromagnetic radiation, esp. light, to one direction. plane sailing

1. the practice of determining a ship's position on the theory that she is moving on a plane.

2 plain sailing (see PLAIN(1)). plane-table a surveying instrument used for direct plotting in the field, with a circular drawing-board and pivoted alidade.

Etymology: L planum flat surface, neut. of planus PLAIN(1) (different. f. PLAIN(1) in 17th c.): adj. after F plan, plane 2. n. & v.


1. a tool consisting of a wooden or metal block with a projecting steel blade, used to smooth a wooden surface by paring shavings from it.

2 a similar tool for smoothing metal.

1. smooth (wood, metal, etc.) with a plane.

2 (often foll. by away, down) pare (irregularities) with a plane.

3 archaic level (plane the way).

Etymology: ME f. OF var. of plaine f. LL plana f. L planus PLAIN(1) 3. n. (in full plane-tree) any tree of the genus Platanus often growing to great heights, with maple-like leaves and bark which peels in uneven patches.

Etymology: ME f. OF f. L platanus f. Gk platanos f. platus broad

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