1. v. & n.
--v.tr. (rigged, rigging)
1. a provide (a sailing ship) with sails, rigging, etc. b prepare ready for sailing.
2 (often foll. by out, up) fit with clothes or other equipment.
3 (foll. by up) set up hastily or as a makeshift.
4 assemble and adjust the parts of (an aircraft).
1. the arrangement of masts, sails, rigging, etc., of a sailing ship.
2 equipment for a special purpose, e.g. a radio transmitter.
3 oil rig.
4 a person's or thing's look as determined by clothing, equipment, etc., esp. uniform.
Phrases and idioms:
in full rig colloq. smartly or ceremonially dressed. rig-out Brit. colloq. an outfit of clothes.
rigged adj. (also in comb.).
Etymology: ME, perh. of Scand. orig.: cf. Norw. rigga bind or wrap up 2. v. & n.
--v.tr. (rigged, rigging) manage or conduct fraudulently (they rigged the election).
1. a trick or dodge.
2 a way of swindling.
Phrases and idioms:
rig the market cause an artificial rise or fall in prices.
rigger n.
Etymology: 19th c.: orig. unkn.