{v. phr.} 1. To dress in. * /The boy took off his clothes and put on his pajamas./ * /Mother put a coat on the baby./ 2a. To pretend; assume; show. * /Mary isn't really sick; she's only putting on./ * /He put on a smile./ * /The child was putting on airs./ 2b. To exaggerate; make too much of. * /That's rather putting it on./ Compare: LAY IT ON. 3. To begin to have more (body weight); gain (weight). * /Mary was thin from sickness, and the doctor said she must put on ten pounds./ * /Too many sweets and not enough exercise will make you put on weight./ 4a. To plan and prepare; produce; arrange; give; stage. * /The senior class put on a dance./ * /The actor put on a fine performance./ 4b. To make (an effort). * /The runner put on an extra burst of speed and won the race./ 5. To choose to send; employ on a job. * /The school put on extra men to get the new building ready./
Meaning of PUT ON in English
Slang English vocab. Английский сленговый словарь. 2012