superl of the eyes: not shedding tears.
2. dry ·superl of persons: thirsty; needing drink.
3. dry ·vi to shrivel or wither; to lose vitality.
4. dry ·superl of animals: not giving milk; as, the cow is dry.
5. dry ·superl destitute of that which interests or amuses; barren; unembellished; jejune; plain.
6. dry ·vi to grow dry; to become free from wetness, moisture, or juice; as, the road dries rapidly.
7. dry ·superl of vegetable matter: free from juices or sap; not succulent; not green; as, dry wood or hay.
8. dry ·vi to evaporate wholly; to be exhaled;
said of moisture, or a liquid;
sometimes with up; as, the stream dries, or dries up.
9. dry ·superl of certain morbid conditions, in which there is entire or comparative absence of moisture; as, dry gangrene; dry catarrh.
10. dry ·superl characterized by a quality somewhat severe, grave, or hard; hence, sharp; keen; shrewd; quaint; as, a dry tone or manner; dry wit.
11. dry ·superl exhibiting a sharp, frigid preciseness of execution, or the want of a delicate contour in form, and of easy transition in coloring.
12. dry ·adj to make dry; to free from water, or from moisture of any kind, and by any means; to exsiccate; as, to dry the eyes; to dry one's tears; the wind dries the earth; to dry a wet cloth; to dry hay.
13. dry ·superl free from moisture; having little humidity or none; arid; not wet or moist; deficient in the natural or normal supply of moisture, as rain or fluid of any kind;
said especially: (a) of the weather: free from rain or mist.