Meaning of FIT in English

noun a stroke or blow.

2. fit ·superl prepared; ready.

3. fit ·- imp. & ·p.p. of fight.

4. fit ·vi to be proper or becoming.

5. fit ·noun a darting point; a sudden emission.

6. fit ·noun the coincidence of parts that come in contact.

7. fit ·noun the part of an object upon which anything fits tightly.

8. fit ·noun in ·oe, a song; a strain; a canto or portion of a ballad; a passus.

9. fit ·noun the quality of being fit; adjustment; adaptedness; as of dress to the person of the wearer.

10. fit ·superl conformed to a standart of duty, properiety, or taste; convenient; meet; becoming; proper.

11. fit ·vt to supply with something that is suitable or fit, or that is shaped and adjusted to the use required.

12. fit ·vi to be adjusted to a particular shape or size; to suit; to be adapted; as, his coat fits very well.

13. fit ·vt to be suitable to; to answer the requirements of; to be correctly shaped and adjusted to; as, if the coat fits you, put it on.

14. fit ·noun a passing humor; a caprice; a sudden and unusual effort, activity, or motion, followed by relaxation or insction; an impulse and irregular action.

15. fit ·vt to make fit or suitable; to adapt to the purpose intended; to qualify; to put into a condition of readiness or preparation.

xvi. fit ·noun a mood of any kind which masters or possesses one for a time; a temporary, absorbing affection; a paroxysm; as, a fit melancholy, of passion, or of laughter.

xvii. fit ·superl adapted to an end, object, or design; suitable by nature or by art; suited by character, qualitties, circumstances, education, ·etc.; qualified; competent; worthy.

xviii. fit ·vt to bring to a required form and size; to shape aright; to adapt to a model; to adjust;

— said especially of the work of a carpenter, machinist, tailor, ·etc.

xix. fit ·noun a sudden and violent attack of a disorder; a stroke of disease, as of epilepsy or apoplexy, which produces convulsions or unconsciousness; a convulsion; a paroxysm; hence, a period of exacerbation of a disease; in general, an attack of disease; as, a fit of sickness.

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