I. ˈbest adjective, superlative of good
Etymology: Middle English, adjective & adverb, from Old English betst; akin to Old High German bezzist best, Old Norse beztr, Gothic batista; superlative of the root found in Old English bōt remedy, compensation — more at better
1. of a person
a. : excelling all others (as in moral, intellectual, or physical qualities)
the best boxer in his class
the best teacher of the subject I ever knew
the best person in the community — kind, gentle, and understanding
b. : excelling or leading all others in social and usually financial standing — used especially in the phrases the best families or the best people
the best people, alas, were no longer always the people with money — Brian Glanville
the rich and arrogant, the traditional “ best families” — Bess A. Garner
2. of a thing : excelling or surpassing all others of its kind in inherent quality or according to some standard : most productive of good : providing or offering the greatest advantage, utility, or satisfaction
ready to receive ideas and to devote life's best energies to developing … their implications — M.R.Cohen
what is the best thing to do
a luxurious yet practical material, the best you can buy
the best road
the best way to make coffee
the best of Shakespeare's plays
3. : largest , most
they passed the best part of the three weeks at the seashore
II. adverb, superlative of well
Etymology: Middle English
1. : in the best way : to the most advantage : with the most success, ease, profit, benefit, or propriety
of his many roles, he appears best as Hamlet
adjusted to the situation as best they could
2. : to the highest degree : to the fullest extent : most
my best- loved friend
those best able to fight
III. noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, from best, adjective
1. : something that is best: as
a. : the point or circumstance that is best
the best of it all is, they are willing to give even more
b. : best state or condition
a fine actor who is at his very best in this play
c. : best part
always managing to get the best out of life
2. usually plural in construction : best individuals
even the best of us make mistakes
3. : all that one can do : one's utmost or maximum effort
do your best and you'll win
4. : best clothes
wearing their best , for it was Sunday
5. : advantage — used in the phrase the best of it
in the 3d round the challenger seemed to be having the best of it
when it comes to ridin' pitchin' horses them little bench-legged fellows usually has all the best of it — Ross Santee
IV. transitive verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: best (I)
: to get the better of : outdo
in every game they were bested by their opponents
V. verbal auxiliary
Etymology: by shortening
: had best — not often in formal use
you best get home in a hurry