I. ˈkrest noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French creste, from Latin crista; akin to Old English hrisian to shake, Old High German hrīs twig, Old Norse hrista to shake, Gothic af hrisjan to shake off, Middle Irish cressaim I shake, Old Prussian craysi blade of grass, straw, Latin curvus curved — more at crown
a. : a usually ornamental tuft or process on the head of a bird or animal ; specifically : cockscomb — see bird illustration
(1) : the plume of feathers, painted metal fan, modeled emblem, or other decoration worn on a knight's helmet ; especially : one indicating the identity of the wearer
(2) : the apex of a helmet
on his crest sat horror plumed — John Milton
(3) : a heraldic device that represents the crest formerly borne upon the helmet of a knight, is depicted in a full achievement of arms upon the helmet, and is also used separately as an ornament or cognizance (as for plate or liveries)
(4) : a heraldic device depicted above the escutcheon but not upon a helmet — used especially in the official heraldry of the New World
(5) : an escutcheon of arms
(6) : a complete coat of arms — not used technically
(7) : an emblem, badge, device, or other object regularly used as a symbol (as of a family, tribe, or nation) — usually used only of emblems employed among peoples who do not practice the European system of heraldry
the Indians … mark off the hunting ground selected by them by blazing the trees with their crests — American Anthrop. Association Memoir
(8) : an identifying mark usually consisting of painted rings placed near the vanes of an arrow
(9) : high spirits or self-confidence : pride , courage , temper
c. : a process or prominence on any part of the body of an animal: as
(1) : the upper curve or ridge of the neck of a horse or other quadruped
(2) : the mane borne by such a crest
(3) : a ridge especially when longitudinal and median or serrated or tuberculated (as that on the back of certain lizards) — compare basilisk
(4) : a ridge especially on a bone
the crest of the tibia
the crest of the ilium
— see frontal crest , occipital crest
2. : the top of a structure or natural formation: as
a. : the highest point of a mountain : summit : the highest line of a range of mountains or hills or fold of rock
the crest of a watershed
the crest of an anticline
b. : the top edge of a dam or weir
c. : the ridge of a roof
a. physics
(1) : the highest part of the oscillating surface in a gravity wave or a ripple on a liquid at any instant — contrasted with trough
(2) : the maximum attained by a wave variable during the passage of a complete cycle : peak
crest voltage
b. : the highest stage of a river in flood
a. : one of the high points of an action or process marked by a periodic alternation of rise and fall
at the crest of each breath, weeping threatened her — Elizabeth Taylor
b. : the culmination of an action or process : climax
the crest of a civilization
at the crest of his fame
the crest of the evening's excitement
5. : a structure terminating or crowning an organ (as the persistent style forming a partial aril in plants of the genus Sanguinaria )
6. : the outermost part of a screw thread often in the form of a rounded or flat-surfaced helical ridge
II. verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English cresten, from crest, n.
transitive verb
1. : to furnish with a crest : serve as a crest for : top , crown
2. : to reach the crest of (as a mountain or wave)
intransitive verb
1. obsolete : to bear oneself proudly or erectly
2. : to form or rise to a crest
the river is expected to crest at noon