Meaning of KEEP UP in English

transitive verb

1. : to go on with : persevere in : continue usually with persistence

kept the talk up until midnight

kept his criminal activity up until he was caught

kept up their correspondence

: maintain , sustain

kept up a front for Mama, who was not to be worried — Andrea Parke

kept their standards up

2. : to prevent from diminishing or deteriorating : keep in good condition

worked every day to keep the garden up

kept his credit up by paying his bills regularly

3. archaic : to keep confined or penned up

intransitive verb

1. : to stay even (as in acts of strength, endurance, or speed)

although he was small he could keep up with the larger boys in sports

: stay along (as in thoughts or studies)

able to keep up with his class in school

2. : to keep adequately informed — used with on or with

kept up with the affairs of the office

keep up on international relations

3. : to continue without interruption : maintain a particular course, condition, or series of actions

the rain kept up all night

4. : to match one's neighbors or contemporaries in accomplishment or in the acquisition of material goods : be in fashion — usually used with with

keeping up with the professors — Yale Review

farm folk seem to place less emphasis than city folk upon competitive consumption, or spending to keep up with the Joneses — Day Monroe

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.