I. ˈlān noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lane, lanu; akin to Old Frisian låne lane, Middle Dutch lane lane, Old Norse lön row of houses, and perhaps to Greek elan to drive — more at elastic
a. : a narrow passageway between fences or hedges that is not traveled as a highroad
b. : an alley between buildings
c. : a narrow way among trees, rocks, or other objects
lane between rows of machines in a factory
traffic lane of a department store
2. : a narrow passageway or track
a lane between lines of men
a. or lane route : a route across an ocean between specified degrees of latitude or longitude in which all steamers traveling in the same direction are supposed to keep in order to avoid collisions
b. : a channel of water in a floe or field of ice
c. : a strip of roadway adequate to accommodate a single line of vehicles
d. : air lane
e. : any of several parallel courses marked out on a running track, rowing course, or swimming tank in which a competitor must stay during a race
f. : a bowling alley
II. verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
intransitive verb
: to form a lane
long sash of bloodred sun laning to the ship
: separate into lanes
laning of flowing liquids
transitive verb
: to make into lanes
the road has been four- laned
variant of lone