ˈrekənˌsīl, ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
Etymology: Middle English reconcilen, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French reconcilier, from Latin reconciliare, from re- + conciliare to conciliate
transitive verb
(1) : to restore to friendship, compatibility, or harmony
reconciled the two quarreling factions
(2) : to restore (one under ecclesiastical interdict or excommunication) to communion
(3) : to restore (as a desecrated church or cemetery) to sacred use especially by reconsecration
b. : adjust , settle
reconciling differences
a. : to make consistent or congruous : harmonize
reconciled their ideals with practical reality
b. : to obtain agreement between (two financial records) by accounting for all outstanding items
reconcile a checkbook with a bank statement
3. : to cause to submit to or accept : bring into acquiescence with
reconciled to hardship
intransitive verb
: to become reconciled
Synonyms: see adapt