/fyooh/ , adj., fewer, fewest , n., pron.
1. not many but more than one: Few artists live luxuriously.
2. few and far between , at widely separated intervals; infrequent: In Nevada the towns are few and far between.
3. ( used with a pl. v. ) a small number or amount: Send me a few.
4. quite a few , a fairly large number; many: There were quite a few interesting things to do.
5. the few , a special, limited number; the minority: That music appeals to the few.
6. ( used with a pl. v. ) a small number of persons or things: A dozen people volunteered, but few have shown up.
[ bef. 900; ME fewe, OE feawe; c. Goth fawai; akin to L paucus few, paulus little, pauper poor, Gk paûros little, few ]