Meaning of HOT in English

— hotly , adv. — hotness , n.

/hot/ , adj., hotter, hottest , adv., v., hotted, hotting , n.


1. having or giving off heat; having a high temperature: a hot fire; hot coffee.

2. having or causing a sensation of great bodily heat; attended with or producing such a sensation: He was hot with fever.

3. creating a burning sensation, as on the skin or in the throat: This ointment is hot, so apply it sparingly.

4. sharply peppery or pungent: Is this mustard hot?

5. having or showing intense or violent feeling; ardent; fervent; vehement; excited: a hot temper.

6. Informal. having a strong enthusiasm; eager: a hot baseball fan.

7. Slang.

a. sexually aroused; lustful.

b. sexy; attractive.

8. violent, furious, or intense: the hottest battle of the war.

9. strong or fresh, as a scent or trail.

10. absolutely new; fresh: a dozen new mystery stories hot from the press.

11. requiring immediate delivery or correspondence; demanding priority: The hot freight must be delivered by 10:00 A.M. tomorrow, or we'll lose the contract.

12. Slang. skillful in a reckless or daring way: a hot pilot.

13. following very closely; close: to be hot on the trail of a thief.

14. (of colors) extremely intense: hot pink.

15. Informal. popular and commercially successful; in demand; marketable: The Beatles were a hot group in the 1960s.

16. Slang. extremely lucky, good, or favorable: A poker player has to have a hot hand to win the pot.

17. Slang. (in sports and games) playing well or winningly; scoring effectively: a hot pitcher.

18. Slang. funny; absurd: That's a hot one!

19. Games. close to the object or answer that is being sought.

20. Informal. extremely exciting or interesting; sensational or scandalous: a hot news story.

21. Jazz.

a. (of music) emotionally intense, propulsive, and marked by aggressive attack and warm, full tone.

b. (of a musician) skilled in playing hot jazz.

22. Informal. (of a vehicle) capable of attaining extremely high speeds: a hot new jet plane.

23. Slang.

a. stolen recently or otherwise illegal and dangerous to possess: a hot diamond necklace.

b. wanted by the police.

c. dangerous.

24. Informal. in the mood to perform exceedingly well, or rapidly, as during a burst of creative work: Finish writing that story while you're still hot.

25. actively conducting an electric current or containing a high voltage: a hot wire.

26. of, pertaining to, or noting radioactivity.

27. Metalworking. noting any process involving plastic deformation of a metal at a temperature high enough to permit recrystallization due to the strain: hot working.

28. get hot , Slang. (in sports and games) to become very effective or successful; score or win repeatedly or easily.

29. hot and bothered , Informal. excited, aroused, or flustered: This mistake isn't worth getting hot and bothered about. Also, all hot and bothered .

30. hot under the collar . See collar (def. 16).

31. make it hot for , Informal. to make something unpleasant for; cause trouble for: Ever since their argument the principal has been making it hot for the new teacher.


32. in a hot manner; hotly.

33. while hot: Garnish the potatoes with parsley and serve hot.

34. Metalworking. at a temperature high enough to permit recrystallization: The wire was drawn hot.

35. hot and heavy , Informal. in an intense, vehement, or passionate manner: They argued hot and heavy for 20 minutes.

v.t. , v.i.

36. Chiefly Brit. Informal. to heat; warm (usually fol. by up ).


37. the hots , Slang. intense sexual desire or attraction.

[ bef. 1000; 1920-25 for def. 23; ME ho ( o ) t, OE hat; c. D heet, ON heitr, Sw het, Dan hed, G heiss ]

Syn. 1. heated; fiery, burning, scorching; scalding, boiling; torrid, sultry. 4. biting, piquant, sharp, spicy. 5. fervid; fiery, passionate, intense, excitable, impetuous; angry, furious, irate, violent.

Ant. 1. cold.

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