— lotter , n.
/lot/ , n. , v. , lotted, lotting , adv.
1. one of a set of objects, as straws or pebbles, drawn or thrown from a container to decide a question or choice by chance.
2. the casting or drawing of such objects as a method of deciding something: to choose a person by lot.
3. the decision or choice made by such a method.
4. allotted share or portion: to receive one's lot of an inheritance.
5. the portion in life assigned by fate or Providence; one's fate, fortune, or destiny: Her lot had not been a happy one.
6. a distinct portion or piece of land: a building lot.
7. a piece of land forming a part of a district, city, or other community.
8. South Midland and Southern U.S. a farmyard or barnyard.
9. a piece of land having the use specified by the attributive noun or adjective: a parking lot; a used-car lot.
10. Motion Pictures. a motion-picture studio and its surrounding property.
11. a distinct portion or parcel of anything, as of merchandise: The furniture was to be auctioned off in 20 lots.
12. a number of things or persons collectively: There's one more, and that's the lot.
13. kind of person; sort: He's a bad lot.
14. Often, lots . a great many or a great deal: a lot of books; lots of money.
15. Chiefly Brit. a tax or duty.
16. cast or cast in one's lot with , to ally oneself with; share the life and fortunes of: She had cast her lot with the bohemian crowd.
17. draw or cast lots , to settle a question by the use of lots: They drew lots to see who would go first.
18. to divide or distribute by lot (sometimes fol. by out ): to lot furniture for sale; to lot out apples by the basketful.
19. to assign to one as his or her lot; allot.
20. to divide into lots, as land.
21. Obs. to cast or draw lots for.
22. to draw lots.
23. Often, lots . a great deal; greatly: Thanks a lot for the ride. I care lots about my family.
[ bef. 950; 1805-15 for def. 14; ME; OE hlot portion, choice, decision; c. D lot, ON hlutr; akin to OE hliet, G Los, ON hlaut, Goth hlauts lot ]
Syn. 4. part, quota. 7. plot, parcel. 12. group, crowd, gang.