Meaning of RATTLE in English

rattle 1

/rat"l/ , v. , rattled, rattling , n.


1. to give out or cause a rapid succession of short, sharp sounds, as in consequence of agitation and repeated concussions: The windows rattled in their frames.

2. to move or go, esp. rapidly, with such sounds: The car rattled along the highway.

3. to talk rapidly; chatter: He rattled on for an hour about his ailments.


4. to cause to rattle: He rattled the doorknob violently.

5. to drive, send, bring, etc., esp. rapidly, with rattling sounds: The wind rattled the metal can across the roadway.

6. to utter or perform in a rapid or lively manner: to rattle off a list of complaints.

7. to disconcert or confuse (a person): A sudden noise rattled the speaker.

8. Hunting. to stir up (a cover).


9. a rapid succession of short, sharp sounds, as from the collision of hard bodies.

10. an instrument contrived to make a rattling sound, esp. a baby's toy filled with small pellets that rattle when shaken.

11. the series of horny, interlocking elements at the end of the tail of a rattlesnake, with which it produces a rattling sound.

12. a rattling sound in the throat, as the death rattle.

[ 1250-1300; ME ratelen (v.), ratele (n.) (c. D ratelen, G rasseln ); imit. ]

Syn. 1. clatter, knock. 7. discompose. 9. clatter.

rattle 2

/rat"l/ , v.t., rattled, rattling . Naut.

to furnish with ratlines (usually fol. by down ).

[ 1720-30; back formation from ratling RATLINE (taken as verbal n.) ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .