1) ( d ; tr. ) ('to keep') ~ about ( BE ), around (it's dangerous to ~ a gun around the house)
2) ( d ; tr. ) to ~ against ('to consider as grounds for rejection, dislike') (I ~ nothing against him)
3) ( d ; tr. ) to ~ for ('to consume') (what are we ~ing for dinner?)
4) ( colloq. ) ( d ; tr. ) to ~ on ('to possess evidence against') (you ~ nothing on me)
5) ( E ) ('to be obligated') we ~ to leave
6) ( H ; usu. with words such as nothing , something ) I ~ nothing to say to her; I ~ nothing to wear; we ~ smt. to tell you
7) ( esp. AE ) ( I ) ('to cause') he had a gardener cut the grass ( CE also has: he got a gardener to cut the grass); she had her research assistant look up the information; what would you ~ me do?
8) ( J ) we soon had them all laughing
9) ( N ; used with an adjective; past participle) ('to consume'); ('to cause') I'll ~ my martini dry; we had a meal sent up to our room; they had the building torn down; he had his hair cut; she had her tonsils removed
10) ( misc. ) he had two children by his first wife; to ~ it in for smb. ('to ~ a grudge against smb.'); she had a strange thing happen to her ('a strange thing happened to her')