Meaning of POINT in English



location, position, place, spot

1) to arrive at, reach a ~

2) an assembly; cutoff; focal; jumping-off; pressure; rallying; salient; starting; turning; vanishing; vantage ~

3) the ~ of no return

4) at a ~ (at that ~ in history)

5) for a ~ (for all ~s east)

6) from; to a ~ (from this ~ to that ~)



7) to arrive at, reach a ~

8) a high; low ~ (she has reached the high ~ of her career)

9) the boiling; breaking; freezing; melting; saturation ~

10) (up) to a ~ (to a certain ~ they are right)

step, stage

11) at, on the ~ (they were on the ~ of leaving)



12) to bring up, make, raise a ~

13) to argue; cover, discuss; emphasize, stress, underscore; explain; illustrate; review; win a ~

14) to belabor, labor; strain, stretch a ~

15) to drive, hammer, press a ~ home; to make one's ~

16) to concede, yield a ~

17) a controversial; crucial; fine; major; minor; moot; selling; sore; sticking; subtle; talking; telling ~

18) the ~ that + clause (she made the ~ that further resistance was useless)

19) beside the ~ (her remarks were beside the ~)

20) on a ~ (on that ~ we disagree)

21) to the ~ (to speak to the ~)

22) ( misc. ) to come to the ~; ~ by ~; a good ('convincing') ~; to have a ~ ('to have a convincing argument')

core, essence

23) to see the ~ (he never did see the ~ of the joke)

24) to get to the ~


25) to make a ~ of (he made a ~ of repeating her name several times)

distinguishing feature

26) smb.'s bad, weak; good, strong ~s

punctuation mark

27) a decimal; exclamation ( AE ) ~

scoring unit

28) to score a ~ (also fig .)

29) to shave ~s ('to manipulate the results of a contest for illegal purposes')

30) ( esp. tennis) a game; match; set ~

31) by ~s (to lead by five ~s)

32) (boxing) on ~s (to win on ~s)


33) in ~ of (in ~ of law; in ~ of fact)

aim, object, purpose, reason

34) to get, see the ~

35) a ~ in (there is no ~ in complaining = there is no ~ complaining)

36) a ~ to (there is no ~ to your going)

37) ( misc. ) what's the ~?

tapered end

38) a sharp ~ (this pencil has a sharp ~)


39) a ~ of view; at the ~ of a gun; a Brownie ~ ( colloq. ) ('ingratiation in the eyes of a superior') (to make Brownie ~s); a case in ~ ('a pertinent case'); a ~ of order



1) ( D ; intr. ) to ~ at, to ('to draw attention to') (she ~ed at me)

2) ( d ; tr. ) ('to aim') to ~ at (to ~ a gun at smb.)

3) ( D ; intr. ) to ~ to ('to cite') (they ~ed to poverty as a major problem; the evidence ~s to him as the criminal)

The Bbi combinatory dictionary of English, a guide to word combinations.      Комбинаторный словарь английского языка Bbi. Руководство по словосочетаниям.