Meaning of SCORE in English




( usu. sports)

1) to keep ~

2) a close; even; lopsided ~

3) ( AE ) ( usu. baseball) a box ~

4) a ~ stands (the ~ stood five to three = the ~ stood five--three = the ~ stood at five to three; how does the ~ stand?)

5) by a ~ (we won by a lopsided ~)



6) ( esp. AE ) to run up a ~

7) a lopsided ~ (our team ran up a lopsided ~)



8) to pay off, settle a ~

9) an old ~ (they had some old ~s to settle)

10) a ~ between (there are some old ~s between them)

musical composition

11) to play; write a ~

copy of a musical composition

12) a full; orchestra; piano; vocal ~


13) on a certain ~ (we are even on that ~)

facts of a situation

( colloq. )

14) to know the ~



1) ( D ; intr. , tr. ) ('to make a ~') to ~ against (to ~ against a team; they ~d five points against the visiting team)

2) ( D ; intr. , tr. ) ('to make a ~') to ~ for (she ~d ten points for her team; who ~d for their team?)

3) ( d ; intr. ) ('to write music') to ~ for (to ~ for full orchestra)

4) ( colloq. ) ( BE ) ( d ; intr. ) to ~ off ('to beat in an argument') (it's difficult to ~ off him in an argument)

5) ( colloq. ) ( D ; intr. ) ('to achieve success') to ~ with (I really ~d with the boss)

6) (s) to ~ high; low (they ~d high in/on the proficiency tests)

The Bbi combinatory dictionary of English, a guide to word combinations.      Комбинаторный словарь английского языка Bbi. Руководство по словосочетаниям.