1) ( A ; usu. without to) ('to relate') she told the news to everyone; or: she told everyone the news; he told me his name; she told them a story; ~ me the truth
2) ( D ; intr. ) ('to be certain') to ~ about (you can never ~ about people like that)
3) ( d ; intr. , tr. ) ('to inform') to ~ about, of (he didn't want to ~ about the incident; ~ me about the game; she told everyone of her success)
4) ( d ; tr. ) ('to ascertain') to ~ from (can you ~ anything from a quick examination?)
5) ( d ; tr. ) to ~ from ('to differentiate') (can you ~ one twin from another?)
6) ( colloq. ) ( d ; intr. , tr. ) to ~ of ( BE ), on ('to inform on') (he told on her when the teacher returned; I'm going to ~ my father on you)
7) ( D ; intr. ) to ~ on ('to affect') (the strain was beginning to ~ on her)
8) ( H ) ('to order') she told me to leave
9) ( L ; must have an object) ('to inform') we told them that we would be late
10) ( Q ; must have an object) ('to inform') ~ me how to get there
11) ( Q ) ('to ascertain') can you ~ from a quick examination where his injuries are?