1) to cut, get teeth (babies are often fretful when they are cutting teeth)
2) to brush ( esp. AE ), clean one's teeth
3) to cap; drill; extract, pull, take out; fill a ~
4) to pick one's teeth
5) to clench, gnash, grind, grit one's teeth
6) an artificial, false; baby ( AE ), milk; back; front; lower; permanent; upper; wisdom ~
7) an abscessed; decayed ~
8) teeth ache; chatter; decay, rot; erupt ('appear'); fall out; get discolored
9) a set of teeth
10) ( misc. ) to have a sweet ~ ('to love sweets'); to sink one's teeth into smt. ('to become completely engrossed in smt.'); to show one's teeth ('to show hostile intentions'); ~ and nail ('with all one's strength')