Meaning of TOWN in English


1) a boom; ghost ('deserted'); jerkwater ( AE ; colloq. ), one-horse, provincial, sleepy, small; market ( BE ) ~ (they live in a sleepy, little ~)

2) a company ~

3) smb.'s home~

4) a county ~ ( BE ; AE has county seat )

5) ( misc. ) to come to ~; to go to ~ ( colloq. ; fig .) ('to go all out'); to leave ~; to blow/skip ~ ( esp. AE ; colloq. ) ('to leave ~ suddenly'); (out) on the ~ ('enjoying city nightlife')

USAGE NOTE: In GB , many places are called ~s that would be called cities in the US . In the US , many places are called ~s or small ~s that are villages in GB . AE rarely uses village for places in the US .

The Bbi combinatory dictionary of English, a guide to word combinations.      Комбинаторный словарь английского языка Bbi. Руководство по словосочетаниям.