Русско-английский перевод ТОЛЬКО


см. тж. всего лишь ; и ~ ; исключительно ; никакой другой, кроме ; один лишь ; просто

• The absorption of hydrogen atoms alone ( or of only hydrogen atoms) is studied.

• No band can be assigned solely to any particular group of atoms.

• The electrode is sensitive to this ion only .

• If a sample is irradiated with just one laser, ...

• The electron's transitions are confined to just one of the ladders in the energy diagram.

• But nineteen other units employ some transistors.

• In plants absorbing carbon dioxide only the stripping problem is more acute.

• The magnitude of the shifts depends solely upon some property of the solvent.

• The ultimate resolution is determined exclusively by the objective lens.

• Such filters have not been used except in experimental manner.


• Maximum viscosity was not reached until September 1.

• Cases are known in which beryliosis did not appear until 15 years following exposure.

• Several of the items listed cannot be adjusted except during manufacture.

• It was not until the early part of this century that the glass container became modernized.

• Only then did we find out that ...

• Only when these factors are eliminated can cohesion be considered as ...

Циммерман М., Веденеева К.. Русско-Английский научно-технический словарь переводчика.      Russian-English scientific dictionary for translators.