Meaning of ADVANCE in English


Pronunciation: ə d- ' van(t)s

Function: verb

Inflected Form: ad · vanced ; ad · vanc · ing

Etymology: Middle English advauncen, from Anglo-French avancer, from Vulgar Latin *abantiare, from Late Latin abante in front, from Latin ab- + ante before ― more at ANTE-

Date: 15th century

transitive verb

1 : to accelerate the growth or progress of < advance a cause>

2 : to bring or move forward < advance a pawn>

3 : to raise to a higher rank

4 archaic : to lift up : RAISE

5 : to bring forward in time especially : to make earlier < advance the date of the meeting>

6 : to bring forward for notice, consideration, or acceptance : PROPOSE < advance an idea>

7 : to supply or furnish in expectation of repayment < advance a loan>

8 : to raise in rate : INCREASE < advance the rent>

intransitive verb

1 : to move forward : PROCEED <an advancing army>

2 : to make progress : INCREASE < advance in age>

3 : to rise in rank, position, or importance < advance through the ranks>

4 : to rise in rate or price < advancing wages>

– ad · vanc · er noun

synonyms ADVANCE , PROMOTE , FORWARD , FURTHER mean to help (someone or something) to move ahead. ADVANCE stresses effective assisting in hastening a process or bringing about a desired end < advance the cause of peace>. PROMOTE suggests an encouraging or fostering and may denote an increase in status or rank <a campaign to promote better health>. FORWARD implies an impetus forcing something ahead <a wage increase would forward productivity>. FURTHER suggests a removing of obstacles in the way of a desired advance <used the marriage to further his career>.

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.