Meaning of GROUND in English

n. cover ground

ground substance

ground swell

wipe the ground with

break ground

break new ground

breeding ground

common ground

cover the ground

down to the ground

dumping ground

gain ground

give ground

to ground

on the ground

off the ground

into the ground

from the ground up

ground ball

ground bass

ground beetle

ground cherry

ground cloth

ground cover

ground crew

ground effect machine

ground floor

ground glass

ground ivy

ground loop

ground meristem

ground pine

ground plan

ground rent

ground rule

ground sloth

ground speed

ground squirrel

ground state

ground level

ground stroke

ground wave

ground zero

happy hunting ground

high ground

hit the ground running

lose ground

middle ground

proving ground

staging ground

stamping ground

stand one's ground

stomping ground

stone ground

thick on the ground

thin on the ground

Barren Grounds

well grounded

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.