1) болт || скреплять болтами, сболчивать 2) стержень; шкворень; шпилька 3) засов, задвижка, затвор || запирать на засов 4) сито; решето || просеивать, отсеивать 5) грозовой разряд; молния 6) короткое бревно; баланс(ы); короткий кряж 7) рулон (обивочного или настилочного материала) • to clench (to clinch) bolt — расклёпывать конец болта; to cotter bolt — закреплять болт чекой или шпилькой; to cross-thread bolt — завинчивать болт с перекосом; to ease off bolt — отвинчивать (ослаблять, отпускать) болт; to rivet bolt — расклёпывать конец болта; to secure bolt with drop of paint — ставить болт на краске; to slacken bolt — отвинчивать (ослаблять, отпускать) болт - 12-point head bolt - adjusting bolt - anchor bolt - assembling bolt - axle cap bolt - ball-headed bolt - barb bolt - barrel bolt - bearing cap bolt - bearing head wheel bolt - binding bolt - black bolt - blank bolt - bottom bolt - box bolt - bright bolt - buffer bolt - butterfly bolt - carriage bolt - casement window bolt - centering bolt - clamp bolt - clench bolt - clevis bolt - clinch bolt - closet bolt - coach bolt - cone bolt - cone-headed bolt - connecting bolt - connecting rod bolt - construction bolt - contact bolt - cotter bolt - countersunk-headed bolt - coupling bolt - crab bolt - cylinder head bolt - dead bolt - distance bolt - door bolt - double-screw bolt - double-shear bolt - dowel bolt - draft bolt - draw bolt - driving bolt - erection bolt - expansion anchor bolt - expansion bolt - explosive bolt - explosive-anchored roof bolt - eye bolt - fang bolt - fastening bolt - fillister head bolt - finger-tight bolt - fin-neck bolt - fire-exit bolt - fishplate bolt - flat-head bolt - flush bolt - flush-beaded bolt - foundation bolt - fox bolt - frog bolt - guard retainer bolt - guide bolt - hacked bolt - half-bright bolt - handrail bolt - headed bolt - hexagon-head bolt - high-strength friction-grip bolt - hold-down bolt - hooked bolt - hydraulically preloaded bolt - internal stud bolt - jag bolt - joint bolt - key bolt - king bolt - lag bolt - lewis bolt - link bolt - liquid roof bolt - locking bolt - longer-than-seam-height roof bolt - lug bolt - mounting bolt - nibbed bolt - nut bolt - panic bolt - pinch bolt - pivot bolt - plate bolt - point bolt - pressure bolt - quick detachable bolt - rag bolt - rail bolt - resin bolt - rod bolt - roof bolt - rough-finished bolt - round-head bolt - safety bolt - screw bolt - securing bolt - segment bolt - self-locking bolt - semifinished bolt - serrated shank bolt - shackle bolt - shear bolt - shoulder bolt - single-shear bolt - sleeper bolt - sliding wedge bolt - slot-and-wedge bolt - snugged-up bolt - spiked bolt - split bolt - sprig bolt - spring bolt - square-head bolt - stay bolt - stirrup bolt - stone bolt - stone lifting bolt - stop bolt - stripper bolt - stud bolt - swing bolt - swivel bolt - T-bolt - tension control bolt - through bolt - tie bolt - tight-fitting bolt - timber bolt - torqued bolt - tower bolt - track bolt - track shoe bolt - turned bolt - U-bolt - wing bolt - wing-headed bolt - yielding rock bolt
Англо-русский перевод BOLT
РУССО. Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary Russo. Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь РУССО. 1997