[bolt] n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG bolz crossbow bolt, and perh. to Lith beldeti to beat] (bef. 12c) 1 a: a shaft or missile designed to be shot from a crossbow or catapult; esp: a short stout usu. blunt-headed arrow b: a lightning stroke; also: thunderbolt
2. a: a wood or metal bar or rod used to fasten a door b: the part of a lock that is shot or withdrawn by the key
3: a roll of cloth or wallpaper of specified length
4: a metal rod or pin for fastening objects together that usu. has a head at one end and a screw thread at the other and is secured by a nut
5. a: a block of timber to be sawed or cut b: a short round section of a log
6: a metal cylinder that drives the cartridge into the chamber of a firearm, locks the breech, and usu. contains the firing pin and extractor
[2]bolt vi (13c) 1: to move suddenly or nervously: start
2: to move rapidly: dash 3 a: to dart off or away: flee b: to break away from control or a set course
4: to break away from or oppose one's previous affiliation (as with a political party or candidate)
5: to produce seed prematurely ~ vt 1 a archaic: shoot, discharge b: flush, start "~ rabbits"
2: to say impulsively: blurt
3: to secure with a bolt
4: to attach or fasten with bolts
5: to swallow hastily or without chewing
6: to break away from or refuse to support (as a political party) [3]bolt adv (14c) 1: in an erect or straight-backed position: rigidly "sat ~ upright"
2. archaic: directly, straight [4]bolt n (1550): the act or an instance of bolting [5]bolt vt [ME bulten, fr. OF buleter, modif. of MHG biuteln to sift, fr. biutel bag, fr. OHG butil] (13c) 1: to sift (as flour) usu. through fine-meshed cloth
2. archaic: sift