1) термин 2) матем. член 3) терм; элемент; составляющая 4) срок 5) мн. ч. условия (напр. контракта) • term in x — член, зависящий от x - absolute term - arithmetic term - Boolean term - boundary terms - conjugated term - error term - extreme term - free term - highest term - in-phase term - leading term - like terms - logical term - logic term - mixed-secular term - noise term - oscillating term - product term - quadrature term - remainder term - secular term - similar terms - term of equation - term of proportion - term of sum - unlike terms
Англо-русский перевод TERM
РУССО. Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary Russo. Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь РУССО. 1997