Англо-русский перевод TERM

1) выражать 2) заблаговременность 3) называть 4) одночлен 5) предел 6) речь 7) слагаемое 8) срок 9) терм 10) термин 11) терминовать 12) условие • absolute term of equation — свободный член уравнения add term by term — складывать почленно as the term itself implies — как вытекает из самого термина basic switching term — основной переключательный терм don't care term — безразличный терм for a term of — сроком на highest degree term — старший член integer rational term — целорациональный терм integrate term by term — интегрировать почленно lowest term of a polynomial — младший член многочлена maximal term rank — максимальный граничный ранг n-th order term — член n-го порядка n-th term of expansion — n-й член разложения n-th term sequence — n-й член последовательности next following term — последующий член primitive recursive term — примитивно-рекурсивный термин rounded corrective term — округленный поправочный член second-order interaction term — двойной эффект взаимодействия short term flotation — кратковременная флуктуация term of a proportion — член пропорции term under integral sign — подынтегральное выражение term with higher exponent — старший член the term outside the integral — внеинтегральный член third-order interaction term — тройной эффект взаимодействия totally labeled term — полностью отмеченный терм transpose term of equation — переносить член уравнения - absolute term - algebraic term - anharmonic term - anormalous term - arithmetical term - atomic term - basic term - bound term - boundary term - bounded term - bracketed term - closed term - common term - compensating term - constant term - control-action term - correction term - cosine term - coupling term - cubic term - cumulative term - defining term - degenerate term - dissipative term - disturbance term - dominant term - dual term - dynamic term - elementary term - even term - even-degree term - expansion term - exponential term - extreme term - factor of term - first term - fixed term - formal term - general term - generic term - goniometric term - ground term - higher-order term - highest term - hold term - initial term - interaction term - intermediate term - known term - labeled term - leading term - left-hand term - level term - linear term - logical term - long term - long-periodic term - lowest term - major term - maximum term - medium term - minor term - mixed term - multiplet term - neglected term - nonlinear term - nonzero term - odd-degree term - omitted term - open term - pairing term - perturbation term - plain term - positive term - primitive term - principal term - quadratic term - quartic term - reducible term - redundant term - regular term - remainder term - right-hand term - running term - scattering-in term - scattering-out term - second-order term - secular term - self-defining term - short term - single term - smaller term - smoothing term - spectral term - squared term - string of term - term by term - term expires - term functor - term of conjunction - term of disjunction - term of division - term of equation - term of lease - term of proportion - term of ratio - term of series - term operator - term rank - term variable - transcendental term - transition term - trigonometric term - triplet term - truncation term - undefinable term - variableless term

English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary .      Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь.