I. ˈtərm noun
Etymology: Middle English terme, from Anglo-French, from Latin terminus boundary marker, limit; akin to Greek termōn boundary, end, Sanskrit tarman top of a post
Date: 13th century
a. : end , termination ; also : a point in time assigned to something (as a payment)
b. : the time at which a pregnancy of normal length terminates
had her baby at full term
a. : a limited or definite extent of time ; especially : the time for which something lasts : duration , tenure
term of office
lost money in the short term
b. : the whole period for which an estate is granted ; also : the estate or interest held by one for a term
c. : the time during which a court is in session
3. plural : provisions that determine the nature and scope of an agreement : conditions
term s of sale
liberal credit term s
a. : a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is peculiar to a science, art, profession, or subject
legal term s
b. plural : expression of a specified kind
described in glowing term s
a. : a unitary or compound expression connected with another by a plus or minus sign
b. : an element of a fraction or proportion or of a series or sequence
6. plural
a. : mutual relationship : footing
on good term s
b. : agreement , concord
come to term s after extensive negotiations
c. : a state of acceptance or understanding
came to term s with the failure of his marriage
7. : any of the three substantive elements of a syllogism
8. : a quadrangular pillar often tapering downward and adorned on the top with the figure of a head or the upper part of the body
9. : division in a school year during which instruction is regularly given to students
- in terms of
- on one's own terms
II. transitive verb
Date: circa 1557
: to apply a term to : call , name