Англо-русский перевод PROFILE

1) профиль || профилировать

2) контур; очертание

3) вертикальный разрез; сечение

4) шаблон || обрабатывать по шаблону

5) обрабатывать на копировальном станке

6) метал. производить фасонную обработку

7) обноска ( при устройстве фундаментов )

8) идти, следуя профилю волны ( о СПК )

- actual profile

- aeromagnetic profile

- apparent resistivity profile

- assigned profile

- backwater profile

- blade profile

- body profile

- Bouger gravity profile

- broadside profile

- cab low profile

- cam profile

- carrier-trapping profile

- concave tooth profile

- concentration depth profile

- concentration profile

- constant velocity profile

- convergent-divergent profile

- convex tooth profile

- cross profile

- dagger profile

- deep profile

- depth profile

- depth-sounding profile

- die profile

- diffusion profile

- dopant profile

- electromagnetic profile

- end-on profile

- equivalent surface profile

- etch profile

- explosion profile

- fan profile

- final required profile

- fixed-transmitter profile

- flat velocity profile

- flight path profile

- flood profile

- floor profile

- free-air gravity profile

- geologic profile

- geomagnetic profile

- graded-index profile

- gravity profile

- ground profile

- haul profile

- horizontal-loop profile

- impurity concentration profile

- inboard profile

- index profile

- injection profile

- in-line profile

- intended profile

- interlocked profiles

- intricate profile

- lithological well profile

- load profile

- logging profile

- longitudinal profile

- magnetotelluric profile

- melting profile

- multifrequency profile

- multipath profile

- nappe-shaped profile

- nominal profile

- normal tooth rake profile

- offshore profile

- operational profile

- original profile

- outboard profile

- out-of-roundness profile

- parallel roll profile

- parallel-line profile

- part profile

- path profile

- physical profile

- pipeline route profile

- polygon profile

- potential profile

- pressure profile

- profile of slope

- profile of water wave

- program profile

- radiation damage profile

- radiometric profile

- rail profile

- railhead profile

- reconnaissance profile

- reference profile

- reflection profile

- refraction profile

- regional profile

- resistivity expansion profile

- reversed profile

- river-bed profile

- roadway profile

- roll profile

- roof profile

- salinity profile

- scimitar profile

- sea profile

- seismic profile

- self-potential profile

- skew-back profile

- slat profile

- soil profile

- spillway profile

- step-index profile

- stored limit profile

- subsidence profile

- subsurface electrical profile

- surface profile

- survey profile

- telluric profile

- temperature profile

- terminal profiles

- thermal profile

- three-dimensional profile

- tire profile

- tongue profile

- tooth profile

- track profile

- two-dimensional profile

- undercut profile

- user profiles

- velocity profile

- vertical resistivity profile

- vertical seismic profile

- vertical-loop profile

- water-surface profile

- well profile

- wheel profile

- wide profile

- worn profile

Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary .      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь.