Англо-русский перевод WEIGHT

1) вес; масса

2) атомная масса

3) гиря; мн. ч. разновес

4) единица веса или массы

5) груз; нагрузка

6) метр. вес ( степень доверия к результатам ) || приписывать вес

7) весовой коэффициент, весовой множитель

8) вчт. весовое значение разряда

a weight with recessed base — гиря с вогнутым дном;

weight in working order — вес в рабочем положении;

weight on the (drill) bit — осевая нагрузка на (буровое) долото;

weight per hectoliter — натура ( зерна ) . масса гектолитра ( зерна ) ;

to apply a weight — накладывать гирю ( на чашку весов ) ;

to remove a weight — снимать гирю (с чашки весов)

- absolute weight

- adhesion weight

- advance weight

- airborne weight

- aircraft all-up weight

- aircraft authorized weight

- aircraft empty weight

- aircraft operational empty weight

- aircraft operational weight

- aircraft wet weight

- aircraft zero fuel weight

- analytical weights

- apparent molecular weight

- assay weight

- atomic weight

- average molecular weight

- balance weight

- balancing weight

- bar weight

- bulk weight

- calibrated weight

- climbout weight

- combining weight

- commercial weight

- compacted unit weight

- counter weight

- curb weight

- design flight weight

- design landing weight

- dial-operated weights

- distributed balance weight

- distributor weight

- droop stop bob weight

- drop weight

- dry weight

- empty weight

- equivalent weight

- estimated weight

- fabric weight

- flutter-preventive weight

- fraction weight

- governor weight

- gram-molecular weight

- gross weight

- highest weight

- integral weight

- international atomic weight

- isotopic atomic weight

- isotopic weight

- jockey weight

- lading weight

- light weight

- mass balance weight

- mean atomic weight

- molal weight

- molar weight

- molecular weight

- movable weight

- number-average molecular weight

- one-piece weight

- ore charge weight

- own weight

- paper weight

- payload weight

- physical atomic weight

- pouring weight

- quiescent weight

- reference weight

- remote balance weight

- rough atomic weight

- rule weight

- screw knob weight

- service weight

- shipping weight

- slide weight

- slotted weight

- sole weight

- specific weight

- spring-suspended weight

- spring weight

- sprung weight

- statistical weight

- submerged weight

- takeoff gross weight

- takeoff weight

- tare weight

- taxi weight

- thousand-kernel weight

- throughput weight

- touchdown weight

- trailing weight

- type face weight

- type weight

- unladen weight

- unsprung weight

- viscosity-average molecular weight

- volume weight

- weight of representation

- weight-average molecular weight

- wire weight

Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary .      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь.