transcription, транскрипция: [ weɪt ]
n. & v. --n. 1 Physics a the force experienced by a body as a result of the earth's gravitation (cf. MASS(1) n. 8). b any similar force with which a body tends to a centre of attraction. 2 the heaviness of a body regarded as a property of it; its relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it giving rise to a downward force (is twice your weight; kept in position by its weight). 3 a the quantitative expression of a body's weight (has a weight of three pounds). b a scale of such weights (troy weight). 4 a body of a known weight for use in weighing. 5 a heavy body esp. used in a mechanism etc. (a clock worked by weights). 6 a load or burden (a weight off my mind). 7 a influence, importance (carried weight with the public). b preponderance (the weight of evidence was against them). 8 a heavy object thrown as an athletic exercise; = SHOT(1) 7. 9 the surface density of cloth etc. as a measure of its suitability. 1 a attach a weight to. b hold down with a weight or weights. 2 (foll. by with) impede or burden. 3 Statistics multiply the components of (an average) by factors to take account of their importance. 4 assign a handicap weight to (a horse). 5 treat (a fabric) with a mineral etc. to make it seem stouter. øput on weight 1 increase one's weight. 2 get fat. throw one's weight about (or around) colloq. be unpleasantly self-assertive. worth one's weight in gold (of a person) exceedingly useful or helpful. [OE (ge)wiht f. Gmc: cf. WEIGH(1)]