1) сортировка; упорядочение || сортировать; упорядочивать 2) программа сортировки • - sort alphabetically - address calculation sort - ascending sort - balanced merge sort - binary insertion sort - block sort - bubble sort - bucket sort - card sort - cascade merge sort - checkpoint sort - cocktail shaker sort - collate sort - comparison counting sort - comparison-of-pairs sort - depth sort - descending sort - digital sort - diminishing increment sort - disk sort - distribution counting sort - divide and conquer sort - drum sort - electromechanical sort - electronic sort - enumeration sort - exchange sort - external sort - four-tape sort - generalized sort - heap sort - index sort - insertion sort - internal sort - key sort - machine sort - manual sort - max sort - merge sort - multipass sort - multiple sort - multireel sort - multiway merge sort - needle sort - odd-even transposition sort - one-tape sort - oscillation sort - own coding sort - partition-exchange sort - pigeonhole sort - polyphase sort - process-limited sort - property sort - quick sort - radix sort - radix-exchange sort - random-access sort - repeated selection sort - replacement selection sort - restart sort - return point sort - selection sort - serial sort - Shell's sort - sifting sort - single-pass sort - sort by counting - stable sort - straight insertion sort - straight selection sort - tag sort - tape sort - tournament sort - tree-selection sort - tree-structure sort - twin drum sort - two-way insertion sort - unbalanced merge sort - Xmas-tree sort
Англо-русский перевод SORT
Масловский Е.К.. English-Russian dictionary of computer science. Англо-Русский словарь по вычислительной технике и программированию. 2005