n. 25B6; noun
what sort of book is it? : TYPE, kind, nature, manner, variety, class, category, style; calibre, quality, form, group, set, bracket, genre, species, family, order, generation, vintage, make, model, brand, stamp, ilk, kidney, cast, grain, mould; N. Amer. stripe.
(informal) he's a good sort : PERSON, individual, soul, creature, human being; character, customer; informal fellow, type, beggar, cookie; Brit. informal bod; informal, dated body, dog, cove.
25B6; verb
they sorted things of similar size : CLASSIFY, class, categorize, catalogue, grade, group; organize, arrange, order, marshal, assemble, systematize, systemize, pigeonhole.
the problem was soon sorted : RESOLVE, settle, solve, fix, work out, straighten out, deal with, put right, set right, rectify, iron out; answer, explain, fathom, unravel, clear up; informal sew up, hammer out, thrash out, patch up, figure out.
25A0; out of sorts
I'm feeling out of sorts : UNWELL, ill, poorly, sick, queasy, nauseous, peaky, run down, below par; Brit. off colour; informal under the weather, funny, rough, lousy, rotten, awful; Brit. informal off, ropy; Scottish informal wabbit, peely-wally; Austral./NZ informal crook; dated seedy.
I've been out of sorts and I'd like a chat : UNHAPPY, sad, miserable, down, depressed, melancholy, gloomy, glum, dispirited, despondent, forlorn, woebegone, low, in the doldrums; informal blue, fed up, down in the dumps, down in the mouth.
25A0; sort of (informal)
you look sort of familiar : SLIGHTLY, faintly, remotely, vaguely; somewhat, moderately, quite, rather, fairly, reasonably, relatively; informal pretty, kind of.
he sort of pirouetted : AS IT WERE, kind of, somehow.
25A0; sort something out
she sorted out the clothes. : See sort verb sense 1.
they must sort out their problems. : See sort verb sense 2.