1) метод; способ (см. тж method) 2) техника, технические приемы 3) техническое оснащение; аппаратура; оборудование 4) методика, технология (см. тж technology) • - abstraction technique - algorithm-specific technique - all-zero technique - bootstrap technique - cascade-based technique - checking technique - circuit technique - computing technique - design techniques - diagnostic technique - diagrammatic technique - dictionaty technique - digital technique - display technique - fault-masking techniques - fault-tolerance techniques - flip-chip technique - gaming technique - graft-prune technique - information science and technique - information technique - intelligent technique - interrupt technique - jet solder technique - layout technique - mainstream technique - mask stencil technique - masking technique - master-slice technique - matrix technique - microstrip technique - modeling technique - multimedia processing technique - multiplexer scan technique - multiresolution technique - network technique - OO technique - party-line technique - point-and-select technique - Polish accumulator technique - prescanning technique - printed-circuit technique - programming techniques - queueing technique - raster-scan technique - reasoning technique - repertory grid technique - round-robin technique - scaling technique - scan technique - scan-path technique - scan-set technique - selection-replacement technique - semantic technique - short-pulse drive technique - simulation technique - surface mounting technique - technique of least squares - technique of substitution - transformation technique - word-patching technique
Англо-русский перевод TECHNIQUE
Масловский Е.К.. English-Russian dictionary of computer science. Англо-Русский словарь по вычислительной технике и программированию. 2005