1) техника; технические средства; оборудование 2) технология; технические приёмы • - acoustic emission technique - adaptive responsive techniques - adaptive technique - AI technique - algorithmic techniques - analog computing technique - analog probe technique - artificial intelligence techniques - backthinning technique - beam manipulation technique - beam-focusing technique - behind tape reader technique - benchmarking technique - charting techniques - clustering techniques - CM technique - computer simulation technique - computing technique - contouring technique - cost-justification techniques - curing technique - current technique - cusum technique - Delphi technique - digital technique - direct-function calculation technique - direct-function technique - echo technique - enumerative techniques - fiber technique - generative NC technique - graphical design technique - guarding technique - high-tech machining technique - holistic technique - hybrid computing technique - imaging technique - in-cycle gaging technique - in-process gaging technique - input-shaping technique - interactive programming technique - interface technique - JIT techniques - job-setting technique - laser materials processing technique - laser-plasma technique - little-and-often cutting technique - machine-computing technique - mass production technique - measurement techniques - measuring technique - menu technique - microelectronic technique - microprocessor-based forecasting technique - modular construction technique - multimachine manning technique - NC-machining technique - numerical control technique - optimizing technique - parts classification technique - peripheral techniques - pretreatment techniques - production technique - programming technique - reflection technique - resonance technique - responsive techniques - reverberation technique - risk-analysis technique - risk-assessment technique - robotic handling technique - robotic sensory interactive technique - safety technique - search step technique - simulation technique - software techniques - solid modeling techniques - solid state technique - specification techniques - surface-mount technique - through transmission technique - time-series techniques - tool wear sensing technique - tool-holding technique - touch trigger probing technique - tracked locomotion techniques - unit technique - unmanned production technique - wheeled locomotion techniques - work-holding technique - X-ray techniques
Англо-русский перевод TECHNIQUE
Воскобойников Б.С., Митрович В.Л.. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation. Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства. 2003