Англо-русский перевод STANDARD

1) стандарт, норма, норматив [c crimson]|| стандартный, типовой, нормативный; общепринятый, обычный

2) технические требования

3) эталон; образец; мера; мерило

4) стандартный сорт; стандартный образец

5) проба (золота и серебра) [c crimson]|| установленной пробы

6) (денежная) система, (денежный) стандарт

7) уровень

8) стандарт (мера объёма пиломатериалов)

- above the standard

- below the standard

- be de facto on a gold standard

- come off the gold standard

- discard as a standard

- set standards

- up to the world standard

- standard of alloy

- standard of behavior

- standards of credit worthiness

- standard of deferred payments

- standard of living

- standard of price

- standard of profitability

- standard of value

- standards of weight and fineness

- standard of well-being

- standards of work

- ABC standard

- air-emissions standards

- alternate time standard

- basic standards

- beat-practice standard

- bimetallic standard

- clean-air standard

- commercial standard

- company standard

- consumption standard

- contractual standards

- cost standards

- cost-quality standards

- cotton standard

- credit standards

- design standards

- direct labor standard

- double standard

- downtime standard

- draft standard

- effluent standard

- engineering standard

- environmental standards

- factory standard

- federal emission control standards

- feed input standard

- fiduciary standard

- flexible standard

- gold standard

- gold-bullion standard

- gold coin standard

- gold-exchange standard

- gold specie standard

- guaranteed time standard

- imperial standards

- indirect labor standard

- industrial standard

- in-plant standard

- labor efficiency standard

- labor performance standard

- labor quantity standard

- labor rate standard

- land standard

- legal standard

- limping standard

- livestock input and output standards

- load-shedding standard

- loose standard

- lot quality standard

- managerial performance standard

- mandatory standard

- minimum standard

- monetary standard

- normal standard

- output standard

- paper standard

- parking standard

- performance standard

- performance quality standard

- permissive standard

- practical standard

- present standards of weight and fineness

- presumptive standard

- product standard

- production standard

- productivity standard

- professional standard

- prohibitory standard

- rural standard of living

- safety standards

- shop practice standard

- single standard

- statutory standard

- stream water quality standard

- summary standards

- synthetic time standard

- target standard

- temporary standard

- tentative standard

- tight standard

- time standard

- trading standard

- watercourse standard

- weight standards

- working standard

- workmanship standard

English-Russian dictionary of economics and finance.      Англо-Русский словарь по экономике и финансам.