1. сущ. 1) счет, финансовый отчет, бухгалтерский отчет, статистический отчет 2) отчет 3) основание, причина 4) соображение 5) значение 6) расчеты 7) отчетность 8) счетоводство 9) регистр • - absorption account - access to account - account balance - account conflict - account credit - account current - account day - account dealing - account department - account executives - account for by - account for - account holder - account in a bank - account management - account manager - account number - account of charges - account of disbursement - account of expenses - account receivable financing - account sheet - account supervisor - account terms - account value - accumulation account - active account - adjunct account - adjust an account - adjustment of account - advance account - advertising account - advisory agency trust account - all-plant expence account - all-plant expense account - an account book - annual account - as per account rendered - asset account - assets account - assets disposal account - ATS account - auditing of account - bad debt account - balance of account as of... - balance of account - balance of payment account - balance sheet account - balanced account - balancing account - bank account - bank giro account - banking account - be a little account - be deposited in account - be in account with smb. - be no account - bear account - bills account - blocked account - bond account - book account - brief account - budget account - bull account - business account - business income and product account - business saving account - by order and for account - capital account - capitalization account - cash account - category of account - certify the account - charge account - charge to account - charges account - check account - check an account - check only for account - checked account - checking account money - checking account - clean out an account - clearing account - client's account - close an account - closed account - closing account - closing of account - collection account - combined account - commission account - commission on account - company account - compound interest account - consumer's account - continuing account - control account - cost account - costing account - credit account - credit an account with an amount - credit an account - credit an amount to an account - credit balance of an account - credit to account - crediting to account - creditor's account - currency account - current account balance - current account surplus - current account - custodial account - customer's account - debit account - debit an account - debit of account - debtor account - debtors account - debtor's account - deferred account - deferred availability items account - deferred tax account - demand deposit account - departmental account - depletion reserve account - depletion account - deposit account - deposit to a current account - deposit to an account - depreciation reserve account - depreciation account - depreciation adjustment account - detail account - detailed account - discretionary account - dividend account - dormant account - draw on a account - draw on an account - draw up an account - drawing account - end month account - end next account - enter a sum to a smb.'s account - enter on an account - entering to account - escrow account - establish the account - Exchequer account - expenditure account - external account - fancy account - Federal Reserve bank account - Federal Reserve bank collections account - final account - financial account - fixed assets account - floating account - for account only - for one's own account - for the account and risk of - for the account of another person - for the account - frozen account - general account - giro account - give an account - gold certificate account - government receipts and expenditure account - gross savings and investment account - have an account in a bank - have an account with a bank - impersonal account - inactive account - income statement account - individual retirement account - inland account - interest account - interest-bearing transaction account - international account - invalid account - inventory account - investment account - itemized account - joint account - keep account - keep an account with a bank - keep an account - ledger account - loan account - long account - loro account - loss and gain account - maintenance-free ATS account - make up an account - managing agency trust account - manufacturing account - margin account - material price variance account - material use variance account - material variance account - merchandise account - mid month account - mixed account - money of account - national income and product account - negotiable order of withdraw account - no account - nominal account - no-minimum balance account - nonresidential account - nostro account - NOW account - numbered account - on account of - on account - on smb.'s account - open account - open an account - open market account - operate an account - others' account - outstanding account - overdraft account - overdraw an account - overextended account - pass to the credit of account - passbook savings account - pay an account - pay into an account - pay on account - payable account - personal account - phoney account - place to a smb.'s account - postal giro account - private account - profit and loss account - profit-and-loss account - property account - real account - realization account - receivable account - receive on account - reciprocal control account - regular checking account - reserve account - resident account - rest-of-world account - retail account - revenue account - run up an account - running account - salary account - savings account - securities account - segregated account - sell on account - semiannual account - set up an account - settle an account - settled account - settlement account - share account - short account - simulated account - special account - sterling account - stock account - stock exchange account - subscriber's account - subsidiary account - subsidy account - substitution account - summary account - super-NOW account - surplus account - suspense account - T-account - take into account - third-party-payment account - thrift account - trade account payable - trade account receivable - transaction account - transfer account - transferable sterling account - trust account - uncollected items account - unsettled account - valuation account - vostro account - wholesale account - withdraw from an account - yearly account Syn: register, list, index, journal 2. гл. (всегда с предлогом for) 1) отчитываться в чем-л. (for) 2) объяснять, являться причиной 3) составлять долю Great Britain accounted for 5,8% of Japan imports — доля Великобритании в импорте Японии составила 5,8% 4) принимать во внимание 5) отвечать, нести ответственность - account for an amount
Англо-русский перевод ACCOUNT
English-Russian dictionary of economics. Англо-Русский словарь по экономике. 2001