Meaning of ACCOUNT in English

[ac.count] n (14c) 1 archaic: reckoning, computation

2. a: a record of debit and credit entries to cover transactions involving a particular item or a particular person or concern b: a statement of transactions during a fiscal period and the resulting balance 3 a: a statement explaining one's conduct b: a statement or exposition of reasons, causes, or motives "no satisfactory ~ of these phenomena" c: a reason for an action: basis "on that ~ I must refuse"

4. a: a formal business arrangement providing for regular dealings or services (as banking, advertising, or store credit) and involving the establishment and maintenance of an account; also: client, customer b: money deposited in a bank account and subject to withdrawal by the depositor

5. a: value, importance "it's of no ~ to me" b: esteem "stood high in their ~"

6: advantage "turned her wit to good ~"

7. a: careful thought: consideration "have to take many things into ~" b: a usu. mental record: track "keep ~ of all you do" 8: a description of facts, conditions, or events: report, narrative "the newspaper ~ of the fire" "by all ~s they're well-off"; also: performance "a straightforward ~ of the sonata" -- on account : with the price charged to one's account -- on account of : for the sake of: by reason of -- on no account : under no circumstances -- on one's own account 1: on one's own behalf

2: at one's own risk

3: by oneself: on one's own

[2]account vb [ME, fr. MF acompter, fr. a- (fr. L ad-) + compter to count] vt (14c) 1: to think of as: consider "~s himself lucky"

2: to probe into: analyze ~ vi 1: to furnish a justifying analysis or explanation--used with for "couldn't ~ for the loss"

2. a: to be the sole or primary factor--used with for "the pitcher ~ed for all three putouts" b: to bring about the capture, death, or destruction of something "~ed for two rabbits"

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