Англо-русский перевод RIGHT

I 1. сущ. 1) право, справедливость 2) порядок • - abandon a right - acquire a right - acquired right - acquisition of right - all rights reserved - appropriative right - artist's right - bargaining right - be right - be within one's right - by right - by rights - citizenship rights - civil rights - claim a right - common rights - concede a right - confer a right on - confer a right - constitutional right - consumer right - contract right - contractual right - conversion right - create a right - curtail smb's rights - defend the right - deny smb the right - deprive smb of citizenship rights - dividend right - encroach on smb's rights - encroachment on the rights - enjoy a right - enjoyment of right - equal rights - equal right - establish a right - exclusive right - exercise a right - exercise of right - have a right to - human rights - inalienable rights - infringe a right - infringe smb's rights - inherent right - legal right - patent right - preemption right - preemptive right - pre-emptive right - pre-emptive subscription right - prejudice a right - proprietary right - put to rights - reserve the right to - reserve the right - right of action - right of dower - right of nations to self-determination - right of nomination - right of priority - right of regress - right of rescission - right of retention - right of survivorship - right of veto - right of way - right to education - right to rest - right to work - rights and duties - riparian right - riparian right - sole rights - sovereign rights - Special Drawing Rights - stand upon one's rights - stock right - subscription right - top exercise the right - treaty rights - unimpaired rights - voting right 2. прил. 1) правый 2) справедливый, правильный 3) надлежащий 4) подходящий 5) нужный 6) предпочтительный 3. нареч. 1) правильно, справедливо 2) надлежащим образом 3) как раз 4. гл. 1) исправлять (ошибки и т.п.) 2) защищать права 3) восстанавливать справедливость 4) компенсировать 5) возмещать (убытки) - right oneself - right the oppressed II прил.; полит. правый, реакционный - the right wing of a party

English-Russian dictionary of economics.      Англо-Русский словарь по экономике.