Meaning of RIGHT in English

Synonyms and related words :

Bill of Rights, Bircher, Bourbon, Christian, Declaration of Right, Epistle side, Magna Carta, Magna Charta, OK, Petition of Right, Roger, Tory, a propos, absolute, absolute interest, absolute power, absolutely, absoluteness, absolutism, acceptable, accepted, accommodate, accord, according to Hoyle, accuracy, accurate, accurately, acknowledged, acknowledgment, ad rem, adapt, adapted, adequate, adjust, adjust to, admitted, advantageous, advantageously, advisable, all right, all there, almighty, alright, alrighty, amen, amend, appanage, applicable, apposite, appropriate, appropriately, approved, appurtenance, apropos, apt, aptly, aright, arrange, arrowlike, as is proper, as is right, as you say, assimilate, assuredly, astarboard, at once, attention to fact, attune, auspicious, authentic, authoritative, authority, avenge, awfully, aye, balanced, bang, basis, becoming, befitting, being done, beneficial, benefit, birthright, bitter-ender, blameless, bona fide, bunkum, by all means, by right, by rights, call, canonical, capitally, care for truth, cause, certainly, civil, civil liberties, civil rights, claim, clean, clearheaded, clearminded, clockwise, cognizance, comely, comeuppance, comme il faut, common, compensate, competence, competency, complete, compos mentis, condign, condignly, conditioned, conformable, congruous, conjugal right, conscientious, conservatist, conservative, constituted authority, constitutional rights, contingent interest, convenient, conventional, coordinate, correct, correctitude, correctly, correctness, credit, creditable, crediting, customary, cut to, da, de rigueur, dead, dead ahead, dead right, dead straight, decanal side, decent, decorous, defensibility, defensible, definitely, delegated authority, delicacy, demand, deserts, deserved, deserving, desirable, dexter, dextrad, dextral, dextrally, dextrocardial, dextrocerebral, dextrocular, dextrogyrate, dextrogyratory, dextropedal, dextrorotary, dextrorse, die, die-hard, diehard, direct, directly, divine right, done, dovetailing, droit, drumhead justice, due, due north, dueness, duly, easement, emend, equalize, equitable, equitable interest, equitableness, equity, erect, estate, estimable, ethical, evangelical, even, evenhanded, evenhandedness, exact, exactitude, exactly, exactness, exceedingly, excellently, expedient, expressly, extreme right-winger, face, fact, factual, faculty, fair, fair and square, fairly, fairness, faithful, faithfully, faithfulness, famously, faultless, faultlessness, favorable, favorably, feasible, felicitous, fidelity, fine, finely, fineness, firm, fit, fitted, fitten, fitting, fittingly, fix, flat, flawless, flawlessness, flush, fogyish, formal, forthright, forthwith, foundation, freedom, front, fructuous, full, full of integrity, fundamentalist, gear to, geared, genteel, genuine, give satisfaction, give-and-take, good, good enough, good reason, goodness, ground, grounds, hale, happy, hard hat, harmonize, healthy, healthy-minded, hear, high-minded, high-mindedness, high-principled, highly respectable, holding, homologate, homologize, honest, honestly, honesty, honorable, honorableness, horizontal, human rights, immaculate, immediately, imperialist, in a beeline, in a line, in all conscience, in all respects, in every respect, in line with, in reason, inalienable right, indeed, indeedy, indirect authority, indubitable, inequity, inherent authority, injustice, instantly, integrity, interest, inviolate, ipsissimis verbis, irreproachable, irretrievably, irrevocably, it is that, ja, jus divinum, just, just right, just so, justice, justifiability, justifiable, justifiableness, justification, justified, justly, justness, kerplunk, key to, kosher, law-abiding, law-loving, law-revering, lawful, lawful authority, lawfulness, legal, legal authority, legal rights, legality, legitimacy, letter-perfect, level, liberty, license, licit, likely, limitation, lineal, linear, literal, literalism, literality, literally, literalness, literatim, lucid, mais oui, make all square, make good, make plumb, make right, make uniform, make up for, manly, material basis, mathematical precision, measure, measure for measure, meet, meet and right, meetness, mend, mentally sound, merit, merited, meshing, meticulous, meticulousness, mightily, mighty, monarchist, moral, morality, most assuredly, natural right, natural rights, naturally, naturellement, nemesis, nice, nicely, niceness, nicety, nobility, noble, normal, normative, of course, of sound mind, of the faith, off, okay, old liner, on the button, on the right, only, only too, open, opportune, opportunely, option, order, orthodox, orthodoxical, oui, out-and-out, overhaul, part, pat, patch, pay reparations, percentage, perfect, perfection, perfectly, perquisite, plain, plop, plumb, plump, plunk, poetic justice, point-blank, politic, positively, power, powerful, powerfully, precise, precisely, preciseness, precision, preferable, preferred, prerogative, prescription, presumptive right, pretense, pretension, pretext, pretty, principal, principled, privilege, profitable, profitably, promising, promptly, pronto, proper, proper claim, properly, properness, property right, propitious, proportion, propriety, pure, put, put and call, put in order, put in shape, put in tune, put right, put straight, put to rights, qualified, quickly, quite, radical right, rather, rational, reactionarist, reactionary, reactionist, real, really, reason, reasonable, received, recognition, recognized, recommendable, recompense, reconcile, recondition, reconstruct, rectify, rectilineal, rectilinear, rectitude, recto, redress, reduce to order, refinement, regality, regulate, relevant, remedy, remunerate, repair, repay, reputable, requisite, requite, respectable, retributive justice, revamp, revenge, right and proper, right as rain, right away, right field, right hand, right of entry, right off, right side, right wing, right you are, right-hand, right-minded, right-wing, right-winger, right-wingish, righteous, rightful, rightful authority, rightfully, rightfulness, rightist, rightly, rightness, righto, rights, rightward, rightwardly, rightwards, rigidity, rigidly, rigor, rigorous, rigorously, rigorousness, royal prerogative, royalist, royally, rude justice, ruler-straight, sane, sane-minded, satisfactorily, satisfactory, scales of justice, scriptural, scrupulous, seasonable, seemly, sensible, sensibly, set, set in order, set right, set straight, set to rights, set up, settle, settlement, severity, sharp, sheer, similarize, simon-pure, smack, smack-dab, smooth, so, social Darwinist, sort out, sortable, sound, sound-minded, spang, speedily, splendidly, spotless, spread, square, squarely, stainless, stake, standard, standpat, standpatter, starboard, starboard tack, stark, sterling, stock option, straddle, straight, straight across, straight ahead, straight-cut, straight-front, straight-side, straight-up-and-down, straightaway, straighten out, straighten up, straightforward, straightforwards, straightly, strap, strategic, streamlined, strict, strict settlement, strictly, strictness, strip, substance, subtlety, sufficient, suitable, suitably, suited, suiting, summary justice, sure, sure thing, sure-enough, surely, swiftly, sync, synchronize, tailor, tailored, terribly, terrifically, textual, textualism, that is so, the letter, the say, the say-so, thorough, thoroughgoing, timely, title, to be desired, to be fair, to be sure, to the letter, to the point, to the purpose, to the right, together, tolerable, tory, traditional, traditionalistic, trim to, TRUE, true up, true-blue, true-dealing, true-devoted, true-disposing, true-souled, true-spirited, truehearted, truly, trust, truth, truthful, tune, ultraconservative, unalienable rights, unalloyed, unbending, unbent, unblemished, unbowed, unbroken, uncorrupt, uncorrupted, uncurved, undefiled, undeflected, undeviating, undeviatingly, undistorted, undoubted, unerringly, unexceptional, unimpeachable, uninterrupted, unmitigated, unrelievedly, unsnarl, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, unswerving, unswervingly, untarnished, unturned, unveeringly, upper, upright, uprighteous, uprightness, upstanding, urbane, use, useful, utter, valid, vamp, veracious, verbally, verbatim, verbatim et litteratim, veridical, veritable, vertical, very, very well, vested authority, vested interest, vested right, vicarious authority, vindicate, virtue, virtuous, virtuousness, warrant, warrantability, warrantable, warranted, warrantedness, well, well and good, well-timed, what is owing, what is right, whip into shape, whole, wholesome, why yes, wise, without delay, without hesitation, word by word, word for word, worthwhile, worthy, yea, yeah, yeomanly, yep, yes, yes indeed, yes indeedy, yes sir, yes sirree, you are right, you said it, you speak truly

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