1) прочность; крепость; предел прочности; сопротивление, временное сопротивление ( материала )
2) интенсивность; напряжённость
3) грузоподъёмность
4) численность, количество
5) концентрация ( раствора )
strength in compression — сопротивление сжатию, прочность на сжатие
strength in shear — сопротивление срезу, прочность на срез
strength in torsion — сопротивление кручению, прочность на кручение
to accommodate strength — иметь достаточную прочность
- adhesion strength
- adhesive strength
- beam strength
- bending strength
- bonding strength
- breaking strength
- buckling strength
- clamping strength
- coercive field strength
- compression strength
- compressive strength
- creep strength
- crushing strength
- current strength
- dielectric strength
- dielectrical strength
- disturbance field strength
- endurance strength
- fatigue strength at specified number of cycles
- fatigue strength
- flexural strength
- fracture strength
- impact strength
- inadequate strength
- insulating strength
- interference field strength
- magnetic field strength
- mechanical article strength
- mechanical strength
- ply tensile strength
- proof strength
- repeated impact bending strength
- repeated transverse stress strength
- rupture strength
- setting strength
- shear strength
- shearing strength
- shock strength
- sliding strength
- static strength
- strength of materials
- strength of test
- stress-rupture strength
- tensile strength
- thread strength
- threaded hole strength
- tooth strength
- torsional strength
- transverse rupture strength
- ultimate strength
- vibration strength
- yield strength