Pronunciation: ' stre ŋ (k)th, ' stren(t)th
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural strengths \ ' stre ŋ (k)ths, ' stren(t)ths, ' stre ŋ ks \
Etymology: Middle English strengthe, from Old English strengthu; akin to Old High German strengi strong ― more at STRONG
Date: before 12th century
1 : the quality or state of being strong : capacity for exertion or endurance
2 : power to resist force : SOLIDITY , TOUGHNESS
3 : power of resisting attack : IMPREGNABILITY
4 a : legal, logical, or moral force b : a strong attribute or inherent asset <the strength s and the weaknesses of the book are evident>
5 a : degree of potency of effect or of concentration <chili peppers in varying strength s > b : intensity of light, color, sound, or odor c : vigor of expression
6 : force as measured in numbers : effective numbers of any body or organization <an army at full strength >
7 : one regarded as embodying or affording force or firmness : SUPPORT <you are my love and my strength >
8 : maintenance of or a rising tendency in a price level : firmness of prices <the strength of the dollar>
9 : BASIS ― used in the phrase on the strength of
synonyms see POWER
– from strength to strength : vigorously forward : from one high point to the next