n. 25B6; noun
enormous physical strength : POWER, brawn, muscle, muscularity, burliness, sturdiness, robustness, toughness, hardiness; vigour, force, might; informal beef; poetic/literary thew.
Oliver began to regain his strength : HEALTH, fitness, vigour, stamina.
her great inner strength : FORTITUDE, resilience, spirit, backbone, strength of character; courage, bravery, pluck, pluckiness, courageousness, grit; informal guts, spunk.
the strength of the retaining wall : ROBUSTNESS, sturdiness, firmness, toughness, soundness, solidity, durability.
Europe's military strength : POWER, influence, dominance, ascendancy, supremacy; informal clout; poetic/literary puissance.
the strength of feeling against the president : INTENSITY, vehemence, force, forcefulness, depth, ardour, fervour.
the strength of their argument : COGENCY, forcefulness, force, weight, power, potency, persuasiveness, soundness, validity.
what are your strengths? : STRONG POINT, advantage, asset, forte, aptitude, talent, skill; speciality.
(poetic/literary) my strength and shield : SUPPORT, mainstay, anchor.
the strength of the army : SIZE, extent, magnitude.
25A0; on the strength of BECAUSE OF, by virtue of, on the basis of.