Англо-русский перевод BOX

1) коробка; ящик; кожух || упаковывать в коробку или ящик || коробчатый 2) отсек, прямоугольный отсек; бокс 3) втулка; вкладыш 4) гнездо 5) шкаф; стойка 6) блок (напр. ЭВМ) 7) рамка (часть схемы, рисунка), прямоугольник 8) прямоугольная оболочка (охватывающая, напр. деталь при моделировании) • - air box - balance stuffing box - base box - bearing box - bed box - black box - bottom box - brake box - branch box - button box - cam box - chain box - change gear box - chip box - clapper box - compensating stuffing box - connecting box - control box for operating the feeding movement - control box - controller box - cope box - copy tool box - core box - coupling box - cross-rail gear box - cross-slide box - cross-slide tool box - cylindrical tool box - dialog box - distribution box - dividing box - double-cutting planer tool box - drag box - drive gear box - drop box - electrical signal box - electromechanical signal box - electronic gear box - electropneumatic signal box - expansion box - feed change gear box - feed gear box - feeding box - finishing tool box - gear box - glove box - grease box - guide-and-die box - hand-held box - horizontal stuffing box - horizontally split gear box - hot box - industrial glove box - joint box - journal box - junction box - labyrinth box - laser energizing box - link box - lubricating box - lubricator box - manual teach box - metal-stuffing box - minimum enclosing box - mixing box - mold box - molding box - motorized feed box - nave box - oil box - oil-distributing box - operation box - overlap control box - packing box - planing tool box - pointing box - radio control box - recovery box - reduction gear box - relay box - relieving tool box - reverse hydraulic box - reverser box - revolving tool box - safety box - screw-coupling box - sediment box - servo box - side box - side tool box - signal-conditioner box - signal-conditioning box - smallest rectangular box - smother box - speed-changing box - speed-reduction box - speed-shifting box - spindle box - splitter box - spring box - stuffing box - suction box - switch box - teach box - terminal box - test box - tool box - tote box - transmission box - transmission-gear change box - trifurcating box - user-defined box - valve box - vertical stuffing box - vertically split gear box - vision box - wash box - washer box - wind box - worm box

Воскобойников Б.С., Митрович В.Л.. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation.      Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства.