1) поток; течение 2) ток, электрический ток 3) текущий; действующий • - alterating current - base current - breakover current - brushless direct current - cancel current - carrier current - charging current - continuous current - continuous reverse conducting current - control current - counter current - critical current - cutoff current - direct current - discharge current - displacement current - disturbance current - driving current - drop-out current - earth current - eddy currents - electric current - exciting current - forward gate current - forward recovery current - gap current - gate continuous current - gate current - gate direct current - gate nontrigger current - gate nonturn-off current - gate trigger current - gate turn-off current - heater current - holding current - induced current - interference current - inverse current - latching current - leakage current - limiting continuous current - limiting short-time current - line current - mean on-state current - mean reverse conducting current - multiphase current - no-load current - nonrepetitive current - off-state current - on-state current - operational current - overload current - overload reverse conducting current - peak forward gate current - peak gate current - peak gate nontrigger current - peak gate nonturn-off current - peak gate trigger current - peak gate turn-off current - peak reverse gate current - peak withstand current - primary current - principal current - prospective breaking current - prospective current - prospective making current - pulsating current - R.M.S. on-state current - R.M.S. reverse conducting current - rated continuous thermal current - rated control current - rated current - rated dynamics current - rated instrument limit primary current - rated operational current - rated short-time thermal current - rated temperature-rise current - recovery current - regular current - releasing current - repetitive off-state current - repetitive peak current - residual current - reverse conducting current - reverse current - reverse gate current - reverse recovery current - secondary current - short-circuit current - short-time current - short-time withstand current - single-phase current - spindle motor current - starting current - surface leakage current - surge current - surge on-state current - surge reverse conducting current - synchronizing current - three-phase current - threshold current - trigger current - tube current - turn-off current - unbalanced current - unidirectional current
Англо-русский перевод CURRENT
Воскобойников Б.С., Митрович В.Л.. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation. Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства. 2003