металл || покрывать металлом || металлический metal being machined — металл, обрабатываемый на станке - accumulator metal - acid-resistant metal - added metal - admiralty gun metal - admiralty metal - alloying metal - all-weld metal - amalgamated metal - antifriction metal - as-forged metal - as-quenched metal - as-rolled metal - babbit metal - backing metal - bar metal - base metal - basic metal - bearing metals - binder metal - bluish-white metal - body-centered cubic metal - brazing filler metal - brittle metal - cast metal - cast-on white metal - ceramic metal - clad metal - coarse-grained metal - cold-drawn metal - cold-rolled metal - cold-shaping metal - cold-short metal - cold-worked metal - commercial metal - component metal - composite metal - corrosion-resisting metal - corrugated sheet metal - coupled metals - creep-resistant metal - crude metal - cupola metal - cutting metal - deposited metal - difficult-to-form metal - dispersion strengthened metal - dual metal - ductile metal - earth metal - easely-extrudable metal - electrode metal - electronegative metal - excess metal - exotic metal - extra high-purity metal - fabricated metals - face-centered cubic metal - ferrous base metals - ferrous based metals - ferrous metal - fiber reinforced metal - filler metal - fine metal - finishing metal - flux metal - foamed metal - free-cutting metal - fusible metal - galvanized metal - granulated metal - grayish-white metal - gun metal - hard metal - hard-to-machine metal - head metal - heat-resistant metal - heavy metal - heavy-gage sheet metal - high-density metal - highly refined metal - high-melting metal - high-melting-point metal - high-purity metal - high-reflectivity metal - high-test metal - hot metal - hot-rolled metal - hot-short metal - hydra metals - impure metal - incorrodible metal - industrial metal - ingot metal - iron-carbon metal - iron-gray metal - laminated metal - lead battery metal - lead-base white metal - leftover metal - less-common metal - light metal - light-gage sheet metal - light-weight metal - lithium metal - low-density metal - low-expansion metal - low-melting metal - low-melting-point metal - lustrous metal - magnetostrictive metals - matrix metal - medium-melting metal - medium-melting-point metal - model metal - molten metal - neutral metal - noble metal - no-coolant metal - nonferrous metal - nonreactive metal - old metal - oxydized metal - oxygen hungry metal - parent metal - pickled sheet metal - pig metal - piped metal - plate metal - plated metal - plutonium metal - powder metal - powdered metal - precious metal - prerefined metal - primary metal - principal metal - pure metal - rare-earth metals - reactive metal - recirculated metal - refined metal - refractory metal - remelted metal - rolled metal - rolling metal - round metal - scrap metal - secondary metal - sheet metal - silicon metal - silvery-white metal - sluggish metal - slush metal - solder metal - space metal - speculum metal - sponge metal - sprayed metal - strain-hardening metal - superconducting metal - superpurity metal - surplus metal - tenacious metal - thermostat metal - tin metal - tin-base white metal - tin-free metal - tinning metal - titanium metal - tough metal - underlying metal - unstainable metal - upset metal - very-high-purity metal - virgin metal - washed metal - waste metal - weld metal - white metal - Wood metal - wrought metal - yellow metal - zone-melted metal - zone-refined metal
Англо-русский перевод METAL
Воскобойников Б.С., Митрович В.Л.. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation. Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства. 2003