а. просить о чем-л. You have to go to the commanding officer for special permission to leave the camp. If you're so afraid of him, why don't you go to the police? б. выдаваться (о призах, деньгах) The house went to his wife after his death. The prize for growing the biggest potato goes to Mr and Mrs Brown, of the village of Little Digging. в. войти в какое-л. состояние Be quiet. Father has just gone to sleep. The nation seems ready to go to war with in old-time enemy. г. составлять в сумме In former times, 12 pence went to a shilling and 20 shillings to the pound, but since Britain changed to decimal money, 100 new pence go to the pound.
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Мюллер. English-Russian Muller's dictionary bed edition. Англо-Русский словарь Мюллера редакция bed. 2012